Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Cell Phones Banned at Schools - 623 Words

A new set of school legislation has been put in place regarding cell phones in various parts of the country. These laws state that the use of cell phones is prohibited for students during the school day. This new rule was set due to schools having problems with students misusing cell phones in school, forcing the hand of the principal to ban them. There are many viewpoints for and against this new rule. I plan on showing you one side of the argument. I believe that students should not be permitted to use cell phones in school due to the many distractions they cause. They also cause disruptions and detract from the overall learning environment. Admittedly, cell phones are useful. However, in a classroom environment, they can be†¦show more content†¦Further on in the future, that student might be trying to apply to a college that highly regards the past participation in sports of their prospective students preferable. If the announcement that the student missed was for basketball and he/she never did get to participate in that sport or any sport, then they are less likely to get in to that college. In addition, cell phones in the classroom would be exceptionally disruptive. Suppose that a teacher is giving a very important lecture about World War II in her third period social studies class. Suddenly, an awfully obnoxious ringtone resounds through the classroom. Twenty-five teenagers reach for their phones. The teacher has lost her train of thought and the entire lesson must be halted while the students whose phone is in question must be waited upon to turn off their cell phone. I personally don’s believe it is fair to that educator or the rest of that student’s peers to have those kinds of disruptions happen on a day to day basis. If schools allowed cell phones, they would be increasing the number of these kinds of interruptions. Lastly, student cell phones detract from the overall learning environment. With all of the disruptions and distractions, so much time would be taken away from the classroom that no sufficient time would be spent actually learning, transforming educators into babysitters and causing the students to be under prepared to competing inShow MoreRelatedCell Phones Should Be Banned in Schools Essay527 Words   |  3 PagesPeople in many schools regularly sneak around on their cell phones, trying to hide them from teachers or administrators. Cell phones were originally against school rules. Honestly it makes a lot of since for students not to be able to use their cell phones during school hours. Cell phones should be banned in schools because they distract students, allow cheating in Schools, and they can be dangerous. Cell phones distract students in school. 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