Wednesday, December 25, 2019

022 Sequence and Rate of Development - 3658 Words

Outcome 1: Understand the Expected Pattern of Development for Children and Young People From Birth to 19 Years Explain the Difference Between Sequence of Development and Rate of Development and Why The Difference is Important. All children develop at different rates, information and sources are only guidelines. These help to monitor what children can and cant do at certain stages in their lives. It also helps to plan effectively to ensure the child gets the attention they need, in the areas in which they find challenging. Physical development follows a definite sequence. A babys physical development may begin with rolling over then sit up, crawl, walk, run. Another may sit up, walk, run missing out rolling over crawling. Even†¦show more content†¦This will effect their education enormously. Separation and attachment issues are quite often the cause of many reasons not to want to be in school. This is constantly worked on by schools to find the best way to include these children in school and to be able to give them a good standard of education. †¢ Education. If for example a child has not attended a nursery or play group in their early years this can often set them back from what development stage they should be at when attending school. This could be the lack of nursery places, not good enough teachers to the child having a learning disability that has not been identified yet. Explain How Theories of Development and Frameworks to Support Development Influence Current Practice. Theories of development are important as they can influence practice and help us understand a Childs way of learning, behaviour and reactions The theorist whose theory is physical development is Arnold Gesell. His theory is that most physical skills cannot be taught but is programmed in our genetics, which means we will learn different physical skills when our body is ready to. In our setting, we support this by encouraging children but not forcing them to develop a physical skill. We have outdoor playtimes between 2-4 times a day so that children can develop themselves physically whilst having fun outside for example staff encourage our toddlers to run outside andShow MoreRelatedArbitration in Aviation2862 Words   |  12 Pagesalthough it contains little reference to arbitration and relies heaving on consultation. It may seem strange to modern practitioners that disputes concerning airfares and rates were subject to elaborate rules of negotiation between states and that contracts contained â€Å"best effort† provisions, which had the effect of allowing disputed rates to be put in the market and ultimately referre d to ICAO for an advisory report. 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