Wednesday, December 25, 2019

022 Sequence and Rate of Development - 3658 Words

Outcome 1: Understand the Expected Pattern of Development for Children and Young People From Birth to 19 Years Explain the Difference Between Sequence of Development and Rate of Development and Why The Difference is Important. All children develop at different rates, information and sources are only guidelines. These help to monitor what children can and cant do at certain stages in their lives. It also helps to plan effectively to ensure the child gets the attention they need, in the areas in which they find challenging. Physical development follows a definite sequence. A babys physical development may begin with rolling over then sit up, crawl, walk, run. Another may sit up, walk, run missing out rolling over crawling. Even†¦show more content†¦This will effect their education enormously. Separation and attachment issues are quite often the cause of many reasons not to want to be in school. This is constantly worked on by schools to find the best way to include these children in school and to be able to give them a good standard of education. †¢ Education. If for example a child has not attended a nursery or play group in their early years this can often set them back from what development stage they should be at when attending school. This could be the lack of nursery places, not good enough teachers to the child having a learning disability that has not been identified yet. Explain How Theories of Development and Frameworks to Support Development Influence Current Practice. Theories of development are important as they can influence practice and help us understand a Childs way of learning, behaviour and reactions The theorist whose theory is physical development is Arnold Gesell. His theory is that most physical skills cannot be taught but is programmed in our genetics, which means we will learn different physical skills when our body is ready to. In our setting, we support this by encouraging children but not forcing them to develop a physical skill. We have outdoor playtimes between 2-4 times a day so that children can develop themselves physically whilst having fun outside for example staff encourage our toddlers to run outside andShow MoreRelatedArbitration in Aviation2862 Words   |  12 Pagesalthough it contains little reference to arbitration and relies heaving on consultation. It may seem strange to modern practitioners that disputes concerning airfares and rates were subject to elaborate rules of negotiation between states and that contracts contained â€Å"best effort† provisions, which had the effect of allowing disputed rates to be put in the market and ultimately referre d to ICAO for an advisory report. This agreement provided that â€Å"each party will use their best efforts under the powersRead MoreEssay on Level 3 Childrens and Young Peoples Workforce Assignment 0234376 Words   |  18 PagesIntroduction This assignment is intended to provide evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of children and young people’s development birth to 19 years. By completing all tasks within the assignment, the candidate will provide evidence that meets the Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria for Unit 022, Understand Child and Young Person Development. Tasks There are five tasks to this assignment. A Complete tables; Questions B Complete table; Report C Report D Report E CompleteRead Moreunit 022 childcare4845 Words   |  20 Pagesï » ¿ Unit 022 Outcome 1 1. The sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 are the following: Babies at birth – most are born at 40 week and premature babies more often need a little more time to reach the same level of development as babies born in and after the 40th week. Most are born with just reflexes for survival at first. These would be swallowing, sucking reflexes to help feed. Rooting reflex baby will move its head if the cheek is touched to find a nipple or teatRead MoreUnderstand Child Young Person Development7660 Words   |  31 PagesIntroduction This assignment is intended to provide evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of children and young people’s development birth to 19 years. By completing all tasks within the assignment, the candidate will provide evidence that meets the Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria for Unit 022, Understand Child and Young Person Development. Tasks There are five tasks to this assignment. A Complete tables; Questions B Complete table; Report C Report D Report E Complete tableRead MoreThe Evolution of Human Skin Color4379 Words   |  18 Pagesrequired for successful hunting favored the development of a large brain, which consumed a lot of energy and generated heat. An increased number of sweat glands and loss of body hair evolved to dissipate heat. This created a new problem, as the light skin became exposed and vulnerable to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Melanin: Natural Sunscreen UV light is harmful to living organisms because it causes changes (i.e., mutations) in the DNA sequence. Skin cells that produced a pigment calledRead MoreMarketing Strategies of Small Scale Industries: a Sample Survey of Hisar8439 Words   |  34 Pageslines. Marketers should consider how to position the product, how to exploit the brand, how to exploit the companys resources and how to configure the product mix so that each product complements the other. The marketer must also consider product development strategies. Price The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. The price is very important as it determines the companys profit and hence, survival. Adjusting the price has a profound impact on the marketing strategy, and dependingRead MoreUv Essay4421 Words   |  18 Pagesrequired for successful hunting favored the development of a large brain, which consumed a lot of energy and generated heat. An increased number of sweat glands and loss of body hair evolved to dissipate heat. is created a new problem, as the light skin became exposed and vulnerable to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Melanin: Natural Sunscreen UV light is harmful to living organisms because it causes changes (i.e., mutations) in the DNA sequence. Skin cells that produced a pigment calledRead MoreOPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT8173 Words   |  33 PagesBeing able to employ specialist staff efficiently b. The effective division of labour c. Having better communications d. Bulk buying ___A____Q6. Which of the following functions is not a core function of an organization? a. The product /service development function b. The marketing (including) sales function c. The accounting and finance function d. The operation function ___C___Q7. Operations can be classified according to their volume and variety of production as well as the degree of variationRead MoreEfficient Capital Markets A review of theory and empirical work13846 Words   |  56 Pageslet (2) Xj,t+l - Pj,t+l- E(pj,t+1I4Dt). Then E (:j,t+lJ4t) =?0 (3) which,by definition, says thatthesequence{xjt} is a fairgamewithrespect to theinformation let sequence{@t}. Or, equivalently, zjt+l =rj,t+l then - (4) E(rj t+lt), (5) E(Zjt+i141t) y, so thatthesequence{zjt} is also a fairgamewithrespectto theinformation sequence {41}. In economic terms,xJ,t+i is the excess market value of security j at time t + 1: it is the difference betweenthe observedpriceand the expectedvalue of theRead MoreFactors Affect Choice of Bank Services23387 Words   |  94 Pagesare the major type of deposit taking institution; they make their living predominantly by taking deposits which represent their liabilities and loaning these funds to borrowers which represent their assets. They loan out funds at a higher interest rate than the funds, and the difference represents their gross profit margin before expenses and tax. In addition, banks can earn commissions and fees by selling various products such as foreign exchange services, safe custody services, advice, account

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tobacco Consumption And Smoking Behavior Pattern - 1624 Words

There is no such thing as an absolute masculinity or femininity. However, society, culture and generation have created gender norms that define which behavior reflects maleness and femaleness. Smoking cigarette is one of the most common gendered patterns of behavior that is apparent for centuries. Tobacco consumption and smoking behavior pattern have been constantly changing over generation to generation. Moreover, many researches also show that smoking behavior is strongly associated with gender roles (Flandorfer, Wegner, Buber, 2010). According to Flandorfer, Wegner, and Buber (2010), men smoking prevalence was moderately low in the early 20th century but rapidly increased in the mid-20th century. Doll et al. (1997) says that Men prevalence continually increased over time until the Second World War [WWII] and it reached the highest rate in the 1970s (as cited in Hunt, Hannah, West, 2004, p. 239). Number of men smokers decreased after the WWII and in 1990s, the percentage of men s mokers of the population dropped from 52% to 28%. On the other hand, the prevalence of smoking women always remained low until the mid 1900s before WWII broke out. During and after the WWII, tobacco companies began to release advertisements directly targeting women; therefore, women smokers promptly increased after WWII, mainly in Britain. Nonetheless, the Office of National Statistics (2000) has found data that the number of women smokers also decreased in the 1990s compared to that of 1970sShow MoreRelatedSmoking Is Smoking A Lifestyle Or Disease?1503 Words   |  7 Pages000 Americans died of smoking-related maladies. This figure represents a twenty-four-point reduction in smoking rates since the first tobacco study conducted and published by the Office of the U.S Surgeon General in 1964 (HHS, 2014). These numbers represent a massive improvement, but smoking is still a disturbing blemish for an increasingly health-conscious and aware society. Despite these surprising statistics, the question remains: Is smoking a lifestyle or disease? Is smoking similar in nature toRead MoreSolutions for the Choice of my Addiction1293 Words   |  6 PagesGeneral announced a causal relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, following the Lalonde report (1974) which defined smoking as an individual risk behavior. Thereafter, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) also joined this bold move and included tobacco dependence in its third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III). Moreover, the US Surgeon General finally declared that cigarette smoking is an addiction in their 1988 report. However, thereRead MoreHealth Promotion For Smoking Within Adult Population959 Words   |  4 PagesHealth Promotion for Smoking within Adult Population Ashley Davis Chamberlain College of Nursing Miramar FL Tobacco has been around for many years. Tobacco was usually harvested and used by the Native Americans for religious and medical purposes. It wasn’t until settlers from the countries across the globe came and found it to be their main source of money if it was crop grown. They would chew it or put it into a pipe: By the late 19th century, cigarette making machines were inventedRead MoreThe United States : Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, And Health1447 Words   |  6 PagesI. Introduction The American Medical Association (AMA) approximates that at least 25 cents of every dollar spent on health care in the U.S. is allocated to the management of diseases or debilities that stem from personal behaviors that can be changed by the individual (Andre et al)1. To what extent are people responsible for their own personal conduct and poor health decisions that result in serious, yet avoidable illnesses and disabilities? Will charging people higher health insurance premiumsRead MoreThe Ethical Problems of Gambling Essay example883 Words   |  4 Pagesconstant need to gamble. There is another way that gambling can effect a person in a negative manner and it includes the physical harm gambling can cause. Gambling is often associated with alcohol consumption especially alcohol consumption that is excessive in nature. Gambling is also associated with smoking. Smoking cigarettes have been proven over time to cause many cancers or other illnesses. However, gambling can be equally as destructive mentally and financially as it is physically harmful. GamblingRead MoreHealth Behavior Change Diary Template On Quitting Cigarette Smoking1530 Words   |  7 PagesHealth Behavior Change Diary Template on quitting cigarette smoking Health behavior I wish to change: Significant number of people has been addicted to the habit of smoking despite of knowing the fact that it is injurious to health. In the past, it was considered as the taboos and only adult group was habituated but currently, it is common among both adolescent and adult population. Cigarette smoking is habit of inhaling smoke of cigarette and releasing it. A study by Gong (2011, pp.48) revealsRead MoreAnalysis On Reduced Nicotine Content For Cigarettes1171 Words   |  5 PagesKatherine Kim Health Psychology Paper Option A November 18, 2015 Analysis on Reduced-Nicotine Content for Cigarettes Smoking is a major problem concerning public health. It comes with many side effects that affect not only the smoker, but also victims of secondhand smoke and even thirdhand smoke. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide that affects at least 6 million people a year. Previous research has shown that smokers die an average of 15 years earlier than non-smokers. EricRead MoreAn Individual’S Health Is Dependent Not Only On The Behavioral1330 Words   |  6 Pagesinterventions were smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.15 It is important to note, however, that while the Finnish people did display a high risk for CVD based on a few key risk factors, they did not exhibit other risk factors for the condition, such as inactivity or obesity.9 The aforementioned immediate risk factors prevalent within Finland were strongly correlated to the lack of smoking regulations and influence from the powerful diary industry in the country. Smoking was a very commonRead MoreHsa 500634 Words   |  3 Pagesunderstand how health is affected by behavior, economic and social structure and provided the knowledge to improve the health status of individuals and populations. Our health is affected by behaviors, economics, and social structure. Many behaviors and lifestyle patterns affect our health, such as: exposure to violence, vehicular accidents, alcohol, drugs, and infectious agents (Williams/Torrens). According to our textbook (Williams/Torrens), alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use creates severalRead MoreSmoking And Smoking1340 Words   |  6 Pages Part A Explanation for Problem Smoking is a habit that exists in a significant number of the global population. On the global scale, nearly 1.1 billion people practice the habit or â…“ of the adult population. The most appropriate explanation for the existence of this problem is social learning. Many smokers develop the habit primarily due to the influence of social settings. Some cultural rituals around the world promote smoking tobacco among adults especially the men in the community

Monday, December 9, 2019

Pelican Stores free essay sample

Pelican Stores Management From: Michael Pitz Date: February 12, 2012 Subject: Pelican Stores Coupon Promotion Results Coupon Promotion Results I have prepared specific descriptive statistics regarding the results from the coupon promotion day. These descriptive statistics such as the relationship between net sales and descriptive statistics on net sales by various classifications of customers, as well as the descriptive statistics concerning the relationship between age and net sales can help us further understand our target audience and ultimately boost total sales for Pelican Department Stores. By identifying our mean, median and mode regarding each variable (marital status, type of customer, gender and age), we can further understand the relationships between our variables. Descriptive Statistics on Net Sales: Descriptive Statistics on Net Sales by Various Types of Customers Descriptive Statistics Concerning Age and Net Sales Correlation Between Items Sold and Net Sales   * Regular customers had a mean of $61. 99 and the customer using a coupon had a mean of . We will write a custom essay sample on Pelican Stores or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 29. There is a difference of $22. 30 between the average Net Sales of the two types of customers. This shows that customers receiving the promotional discount spent more money on average than the regular customers at Pelican Stores. The promotion coupons were a great way to bring in a higher volume of customers and raise the average ticket price for each sale * There is no positive or negative correlation between age and net sales. No particular age group spent more money than any other, though it is clear that women spend much more money at Pelican Stores than men. * There is a positive correlation between the number of items sold and net sales. Customers who purchased more items spent more money.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Only Exception by Paramore free essay sample

The Only Exception is one of the many hit-worthy tracks located on Paramores new hit album Brand New Eyes. The Only Exception is a soft ballad with a semi-acoustic, sympathetic feel that turns into a beautiful heart grabber that talks about keeping everyone at a safe distance, which is also well illustrated in the music video itself. The video starts with Paramores leading lady, Hailey Williams, waking up in her boyfriends arms, realizing that their relationship isnt right and that shes letting him get close enough to possibly hurt her, like others have. Throughout, we see her struggle with the problems in her love life as she goes on date after date, finding no one that she wants to risk her heart with. But, as the song goes on, she finally realizes that the one that had always been by her side all this time was her current boyfriend, and that maybe its okay for her to let down her barriers and let someone get close enough to hopefully love her. We will write a custom essay sample on The Only Exception by Paramore or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is the perfect song and music video for all of you who are getting to know the music of Paramore, are already super Paramore fans, or are just plain hopeless romantics. Be sure to check out all of the other amazing hits and creative videos from this all-guy-one-girl band. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Unit 3 Case Project Questions Example

Unit 3 Case Project Questions Example Unit 3 Case Project Questions – Coursework Example Unit 3 Case Project for IPCE Network Upgrade This document examines a case project where a company called IPCEaims to upgrade their network. Part 1 of this document explores whether replacing hubs with switches makes the network faster. It also explores whether the use of routers between each switch will improve performance, as well as other configuration options IPCE may consider. Part 2 of this document explores whether hardware needs for upgrading the networks have been met. This is under the assumption that IPCE has ordered 9 Cisco 2600 routers and 10 Cisco 1900 routers. IPCE is also assumed to grow by 100% over the next five years. Part 3 of this document proposes a VLAN solution for the broadcast domains. This includes router interface details, switch interface details, network address for each network segment and indicates the number of possible hosts per network.Keywords: Local Area Network, Virtual Local Area NetworkUnit 3 Case Project for IPCE Network Upgrade A company call ed IPCE decides to upgrade their LAN configuration from 5 hubs and one router to one that implements 10 switches. The company wants to divide their ten departments into separate entities, with routers between each switch. Therefore, this divides the broadcast domains between the switches (Caballero, 2003). IPCE Company is unsure of how to implement their ideas; thus, they employ Windows Networks for consulting services.Part 1Will Replacing the Hubs with Switches Make the Network Faster? Why or Why Not? If hubs are replaced with switches, the performance of the network segments improves significantly. Frames coming into the network segment are duplicated to all devices ports regardless of whether the host requested them or not, thus, increasing network activity. Hubs share bandwidth between multiple devices connected to its ports such that if many devices are transmitting data, the bandwidth is distributed among the devices. Hubs also use a half-duplex transmission mode (Caballero, 2 003). Switches, on the other hand, can detect the device with which data needs to be transmitted to, thus, minimizing network traffic. The full bandwidth in switches is available to all ports at the same rate. Also, switches use a full duplex transmission mode.Will having a Router between Each Switch Improve Performance? Why or why Not? Performance is improved. This is because the routers share the backlog of having to route network traffic, by perhaps working with a backbone router to produce an efficient routing table.What other options for configuring its network should IPCE consider? IPCE should consider using a hierarchical routing mechanism where routing levels are determined by how the company intends to structure its departments and for future expansion.Part 2 Will the hardware IPCE have ordered meet their needs? If not, what would you suggest? The hardware ordered is not enough. IPCE should order 1 or more Cisco 2600 router. This is to ensure that the initial requirement th at each network segment maintain its broadcast segment is met. Other routers may be used to implement Hierarchical routing.Part 3The assumption here is that internet connection is through router 1, perhaps the IT department. ReferencesCaballero, J. M. (2003). Installation and maintenance of SDH/SONET, ATM, xDSL, and synchronization networks. Boston, Mass. [u.a.: Artech House.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

10 Misplaced Modifier Examples

10 Misplaced Modifier Examples 10 Misplaced Modifier Examples 10 Misplaced Modifier Examples By Mark Nichol Misplaced modifier is the syntactical error of misplacing nonessential but supplemental information within a sentence. It is so common among professional writers as well as those who are not paid to write (or for whom writing is not a primary job responsibility) that it is easy to find multiple examples of such a mistake during one’s casual reading of news articles, as demonstrated by the collection of sentences from such sources in this post. Examples are followed by discussion of the error and one or more revisions. 10 Examples 1. Smith said his company won’t tolerate hate groups during his congressional testimony earlier this week. The implication is that the company will limit its intolerance to the duration of the session during which he gives testimony. Here, the sentence is rephrased to clarify that the intolerance is ongoing: â€Å"Smith said during his congressional testimony earlier this week that his company won’t tolerate hate groups.† 2. That’s how many would be needed to reach a two-thirds majority of 288 votes, assuming all Democrats vote â€Å"yes,† the margin required for a veto override. The syntax implies that the assumed Democratic-bloc vote is the margin, but the 288 votes (against the remaining votes) is the margin, so the phrase â€Å"assuming all Democrats vote ‘yes’† should be isolated as a parenthetical: â€Å"That’s how many would be needed to reach a two-thirds majority of 288 votes- assuming all Democrats vote ‘yes’- the margin required for a veto override.† However, because dashes imply an emphasis, this method seems obtrusive, so placing it in actual parentheses, which suggest subordination of the additional information, is better: â€Å"That’s how many would be needed to reach a two-thirds majority of 288 votes (assuming all Democrats vote ‘yes’), the margin required for a veto override.† This approach, however, is still distracting. Best yet, the parenthetical phrase can be moved to an earlier position in the sentence: â€Å"That’s how many would be needed, assuming all Democrats vote ‘yes,’ to reach a two-thirds majority of 288 votes, the margin required for a veto override.† 3. Lessons learned from preparation of the previous year’s statements should be addressed the following year (e.g., any issues encountered in applying new policies). The recommended action â€Å"should be addressed the following year† is the point of the sentence, so it should appear at the end, following the parenthesis: â€Å"Lessons learned from preparation of the previous year’s statements (e.g., any issues encountered in applying new policies) should be addressed the following year.† 4. That is where a technology committee can be useful- a smaller, focused board group working with management on long-term digital and innovation strategy. The portion of the sentence following the dash details what is meant by â€Å"technology committee,† so it should immediately follow that term: â€Å"That is where a technology committee- a smaller, focused board group working with management on long-term digital and innovation strategy- can be useful.† 5. An attack at the synagogue left eleven people dead, many of them elderly. â€Å"Many of them elderly,† as a phrase modifying people, should immediately follow that word, which also places the sentence’s key word, dead, at the end of the sentence, where it has the most impact: â€Å"An attack at the synagogue left eleven people, many of them elderly, dead.† 6. Information on each of these activities is available online, which will help will cultivate real-world experience building, hunting, and analyzing. The activities themselves, rather than the fact that information on each of them is available online, will be helpful in the cultivation of real-world experience, so the dependent clause, which describes that benefit, should immediately follow activities, not online: â€Å"Information on each of these activities, which will help will cultivate real-world experience building, hunting, and analyzing, is available online.† 7. Such systems can only screen those messages that contain a payment instruction. Misplacement of only in a sentence is rampant, especially in conversation, but in formal writing, the word should follow the verb it modifies. In this sentence, the syntax implies that the systems can screen but can do nothing else; the meaning is that they can screen a certain category of messages but no others, as reflected in this revision: â€Å"Such systems can screen only those messages that contain a payment instruction.† 8. Jones said he assumes Smith erased the messages on his phone, not a member of Smith’s staff, and he doesn’t know whether the texts can be recovered. The placement of the parenthetical here implies that the messages were erased and a person was not erased, but the point of the sentence is that Smith, rather than a member of his staff, did the erasing, as clarified here: â€Å"Jones said he assumes Smith, not a member of Smith’s staff, erased the messages on his phone, and he doesn’t know whether the texts can be recovered.† 9. Congress controls federal spending, not the president. This sentence implies that â€Å"federal spending† and â€Å"the president† are counterpoints (suggesting that Congress controls federal spending, but it doesn’t control the president); the following revision clarifies that it is Congress and â€Å"the president† that are parallel: â€Å"Congress, not the president, controls federal spending† (which means that Congress controls federal spending and the president does not). 10. We had known since 1866 that solid objects can reflect radio waves, thanks to German physicist Heinrich Hertz. The implication here is that we have Hertz to thank for the fact that solid objects can reflect radio waves. However, he is responsible not for the phenomenon, but for our awareness of it. The parenthetical can be reinserted into the sentence in any one of several places, but whatever position it takes, the sentence should end with the key information that solid objects can reflect radio waves: â€Å"We had known since 1866, thanks to German physicist Heinrich Hertz, that solid objects can reflect radio waves.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 1Ten Yiddish Expressions You Should KnowDealing With A Character's Internal Thoughts

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Case Study Example ?University (SSU) is a comprehensive teaching institution with 14,200 undergraduate and 3500 graduate students accompanied with 400 faculty and staff. SSU is situated in an attractive and relatively isolated setting in Lubbock, Texas. In the recent years, SSU has faced numerous challenges and difficulties. There has been considerable increase in the annual tuition fees but resources to meet the new initiatives have been limited. Although SSU has a few resources in order to meet capital improvement or for the commencement of new programs and initiative but these resources are not adequate. In the recent times, SSU has been able to provide only 1 percent rise across the board faculty and staff salary cost of living and standard promotion adjustment but it has witnessed no major increase in the number of staff for several years. Two programs namely a Staff  Performance  Excellence  Program  (SPEP) and a Faculty  Distinction program was initiated in the year 2000 and 2001 respe ctively which were framed to recognize and motivate outstanding  performance. However, since 2005 neither program was funded. The performance documentation and employee-supervisor discussion committee of the SPEP occupied a key role in deciding the eligibility and levels of merit based salary increase. SPEP was not tied with in any manner with the compensation rather it was totally an academic exercise. Besides, staffs within SSU have also not taken this program seriously as they believe that the program will have no significant impact on their promotion. At the same time, Faculty Distinction program has been paused for many years (Ruben & Jurow, 2012). There was no rigid plan to resolve this ongoing problem faced by the university and the faculty members in the university. As a consequence of this, faculty members in SSU felt increasing level of stress and they deemed to remain strapped for time to teach. Faculty members in SSU who are economically vulnerable remain disheartened about their

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

International Adoption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

International Adoption - Research Paper Example ts meet across lines of disparity involving not only in the biological factor, but also race, ethnicity, nationality, cultural heritage and socio economic class. Typically in international adoption, the adoptive parents usually belong to one of the richer countries of the world where they have a tendency to adopt children from a poor mother and belonging to less privileged ethnic and racial groups of poorer countries of the world. There are many countries that serve for the US couples who are planning to adopt (Bartholet, â€Å"International Adoption†). International adoption is a phenomenon of the last half century. The trend had begun after the First World War. The horrible outcome of the war led to predictable deaths and devastation. In most of the vanquished countries, the difficulty of parentless children had become evident to the world. Again Korean War also opened up an option for United States to adopt Korean child. Recently, dissolution of the U.S.S.R. and fall of the â€Å"Iron Curtain† have resulted in inclusion of the name of Russia, China and various new countries in that list. China’s one –child problem along with its overpopulation crisis resulted in the foreign adoption of thousands of baby girls (Bartholet, â€Å"International Adoption†). The two basic reasons namely the children in need of home and larger community issues make people in favor of the international adoption. Otherwise there is huge controversy regarding this subject. Again one who is in favor of international adoption defines it in context of the social science and child development expertise which refers that children placed in the international adoptive home grow up much better than those who brought upon the street or in institutional homes. In this regards, the opponents argued that children can be better served through remaining in the same community of their origin and become fortunate to enjoy ethnic and national heritage. Again the advocates of the international adoption

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ellie Enterprises - Deloitte Audit Case Essay Example for Free

Ellie Enterprises Deloitte Audit Case Essay Alternative Investments Among the five funds, three of the funds, Cloudy Retirement 500 Index, Cloudy High-Yield Hedge Strategies, and Cloudy Real Estate All starts, are alternative investments. Those three funds, as the case states, are not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 or under the Securities Act of 1933. Thus, they are not offered to the investing public or are not been required to offer significant information to public. Moreover, the investment product held by Cloudy High-Yield Hedge Strategies is hedge fund. It is not traditional investment, such as stock or bonds, and is difficult to determine the current market value. Existence of the investments The confirmation did not provide sufficient competent audit evidences to support the existence of the investments; therefore, the engagement team must perform additional procedures. AU Session 332 states, â€Å"Confirmation of the holdings on a security-by-security basis typically would constitute adequate audit evidence with respect to the existence assertion.† The confirmation Union provided, which is on fund-by-fund basis, is not detail enough to typically be considered as adequate audit evidence. Moreover, the audited financial statement of the alternative investment, which could provide significant audit evidence, is not available before the issuance date of the auditors’ report on Ellie’s consolidated financial statements. This fact further proves that the engagement team needs to conduct substantive procedures. To assess the existence of the investments, following procedures can be performed. First, the engagement team can request transactions involved in each five of funds during the funds’ fiscal years. Actual transactions prove that Ellie’s investments have been held in those five different funds. Second, as the case states, the Committee periodically review plan performance and assets allocation. Therefore, the Committee must kept reports and memos regarding their plan performance or discussions with Union. The engagement team can collect documents related to Ellie’s investments in those five funds from Ellie and Union. Documents from the investor entity and trustee entity can prove the existence of investment activities. Moreover, by comparing those documents, the engagement team can test whether Union’s investment behavior has aligned with the strategies or  any adjustments made to the Ellie’s investments. An example can further illustrate. For example, the Committee decided to change the investment allocation. It is expected to see Union held documents which contain details showing the change of the strategy, specific investment that Union made, and the performance after adjustments. Such documents are sufficient evidence to prove that Ellie’s investments are in the funds and being appropriately management by Union. Lastly but no lease, obtaining related information directly from a third party may also be helpful in this case. The engagement team can directly contact five fund managers and inquire them whether Ellie’s investments were held in the funds. Value of the investments Simply confirming investments in the aggregate neither prove the existence of the investments, nor support the valuation of the investments. Furthermore, there is a time lag in reporting between the date of the financial statements of the funds and the date of the auditor’s report on Ellie’s consolidated financial statements; thus, the engagement team should perform additional procedures. Cloudy Retirement intermediate-Term U.S. Treasury To check the accuracy of the amount of share held by Ellie, the engagement team could request the fund manager to provide documents stating the amount of shares held by Ellie. This fund is registered with the SEC under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and under the Securities Act of 1933. Normally quoted market prices for such funds are available from sources such as financial publications, the exchanges, or NASDAQ. The engagement team could obtain the quoted market prices of the fund and check the prices with those on the confirmation. Cloudy High-Yield Hedge Strategies Since this fund is not registered with SEC under the Investment Company Act of 1940 or under the Securities Act of 1933, the engagement team is unable to get quoted market prices and compare with numbers on the confirmation. However, the engagement team could request a more detailed confirmation providing information of the underlying investments. Next step the engagement team can take is to evaluate the underlying investment and the reasonableness of the assumptions used in fair value calculation. Since  evaluation may involve a lot of specialized knowledge and techniques, the engagement team could employ a specialist. Under the situation that the engagement team did not receive a detailed confirmation of the underlying investments, there are several procedures can help with the assessment. First, the engagement team can collect previously audited financial statement for the funds to compare information the team obtains for this year. If Ellie didn’t make a lot of change on its investments and the performance of funds held by Ellie are stable in recent years, but investment balance of this year is very different from ones of previous years, the engagement team need to increase the risk and take a closer look at the evaluation of Ellie’s investment of this year. Other than previously audited financial statement for the funds, meeting minutes, memos, or summaries that document valuation or judgments made during managing the investment are evidence that auditor should collect and review to help assessment. Second, the engagement team can call or visit the auditors of Union to ask their opinion about the valuation of the investments that Union managed. Besides, the engagement team also could pick some sample transactions and then test the fair value measuremen t involved in those transactions to see whether the fair value measurement are reasonable or comply with industry standard. Last but not least, the auditing team can directly contact the five fund managers to check out Ellie’s balance.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Modern Grotesque Hero in John Kennedy Tooles, A Confederacy of Dun

The Modern Grotesque Hero in John Kennedy Toole's, A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole unleashes a compelling criticism of modern society in the principal work he produced in his short lifetime, A Confederacy of Dunces. Using masterfully crafted comedy, Toole actually strengthens his disparaging position on the modern world. Boisterously and unabashedly opinionated, Ignatius Reilly, the principal character of this novel, colors the narrative with a poignant humor that simultaneously evokes both laughter and pity from readers. Near the beginning of the story, his mother's financial difficulties suddenly force Ignatius to leave the womb-like security of his bedroom and seek employment, making him abandon his project of writing a scathing description of "the disaster course that history had been taking for the past four centuries" (Toole 41) on childish Big Chief tablets. The action of the novel revolves around Ignatius's experience in society as he bumbles from job to job with his ever-present sense of superiority. His outward slovenly appearance and the incongruity between his professed beliefs and his actions create in Ignatius the epitome of the modern grotesque hero. Walker Percy wrote: "'Toole's greatest achievement is Ignatius Reilly, slob, intellectual, ideologue, deadbeat, goof off, who should repulse the reader with his gargantuan bloats, his thunderous contempt and one-man all out war against all of modern times...'" (Samway 345). Using the grotesque to further highlight the satirical conflict that man encounters with modern society, John Kennedy Toole, in A Confederacy of Dunces, artfully attacks the economic, religious, and social states of present day America. The use of such a grotesque principal cha... ...nre." Mississippi Quarterly 38.1 (1984-1985): 33-47. Miller, Keith D. "The Conservative Vision of John Kennedy Toole." Conference of College Teachers of English Studies 48 (1993): 30-34. Nelson, William. "The Comic Grotesque in Recent Fiction." Thalia-Studies in Literary Humor 5.2 (1982): 36-40. Palumbo, Carmine D. "John Kennedy Toole and His Confederacy of Dunces." Louisiana Folklore Miscellany 10 (1995): 59-77. Patteson, Richard F. and Thomas Sauret. "The Consolation of Illusion: John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces." The Texas Review 4.1-2 (1983): 77-87. Ruppersburg, Hugh. "The South and John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces." Studies in American Humor 5.2-3 (1986): 118-126. Samway, Patrick H., S.J. Walker Percy: A Life. New York: Farrar, 1997. Toole, John Kennedy. A Confederacy of Dunces. New York: Grove, 1980. 13

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Homelessness In The Community Essay

Today it is impossible to keep count of the homeless men and women in our city. As we commute through our neighborhoods we see a lot of men and women sleeping on our street corners and highway by passes. As citizens and human beings we must understand that homelessness is a complex issue. Many people are homeless because of economic factors, family relationships, and mental illness. While some people do not have a choice in becoming homeless, there are individuals who make bad choices and even refuse help that is available to them. Many people in the society today feel guilty when approached by any homeless man or woman. Many of the homeless men and women have family and children. But they have chosen to take another route of life. We as people are quick to pass judgment on men and women for being homeless. When we don’t know what events took place in that person life to force them to become homeless. Statistics show people living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless. Economically they are at a higher risk of losing what little they already have. The number of homeless families with children has increased significantly over the past decade. There are approximately 40% of people who are homeless. In rural areas the largest groups of homeless people are families, single mothers, and children. In a 1998 survey of 30 cities,† it was found that the homeless population was 53% African-American, 35% Caucasian, 12% Hispanic, 4% Native-American, and 3% Asian (U.S Conference of Mayors1998). The ethnic makeup of homeless population varies depending upon geographic location.†Homelessness and poverty are closely linked. Poor people commonly are unable to pay for housing, food, child care, health care, and education. Choices must be mad when only their income covers some of these necessities. The world we live in today is very competitive so everyone is working and fighting to survive. This society we live in today is full of different kinds of people. Some have very impressive jobs, cars and houses. But we all have a common struggle many  citizens are just trying to live the American dream. That is full of everyday struggles to stop us from achieving our dream. As a child I am sure these homeless men and women had some type of dream. Rather than just becoming more than just another ordinary person. Many may argue that we choose the life that we live. Personally I agree, we all pick and choose who, what, and where we involve ourselves. The only person who can direct a person future is that person. I’ve only had the opportunity to get a true story to why a person was homeless. Around the age of 12 there was a lady by the name of Betty Rankin. She would always be at the Shell gas station by my house. She became homeless by choice after the passing of her husband. She started to drink stopped paying bills and eventually lost her house and was forced to move with her son. He was a very successful black man with a family of his own. Many days he would come get her and take her home. She always found a way to be unhappy and find her way back to the gas station. About 1 year ago she was raped and killed by another homeless man behind the same store she stood at every day. Past experiences and behaviors can also create significant struggles for individuals and families who are trying to escape homelessness. Being homeless can lead to arrests For behaviors such as trespassing and loitering, criminal offenses such as these, and Certainly more serious convictions can make it difficult to pass a required background check when trying to rent permanent housing. Once they have found a job and trying to turn their life around. In Atlanta, the homeless men and women congregate near Martin Luther King Jr.’s house. Within blocks of the King Center, the homeless find shelter in abandoned or run-down housing. Many Atlanta visitors see many homeless men and women with children on their way to museums and other tourist locations there are panhandlers looking for $2 for lunch. Winter months we find hundreds of homeless people spending the night on the city streets and parks. Hundreds of people swell the bus stations and shelters for warm water and a place to rest. We must do whatever we can to help the homeless. It is really easy to do so. We can volunteer at a shelter, we can protest to the government; we can donate money or clothes. It is such a shame to just sit  back and watch them struggling to survive in a cruel world.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Outline the Ways in Which Rubbish Can Be Said to Have Value in a Consumer Society Essay

Shopping is an important part of the modern consumer lifestyle. It is enjoyed as a social activity and is about identity and expression as much as the usefulness of the purchase. People define themselves not only by their jobs, but also by their possessions and the things they own. Rubbish is only considered rubbish because people disvalue it. People want it to be invisible; once the rubbish goes out for collection, it can be forgotten. However, consumer society does value rubbish as value is personal and is never fixed. It can change over time and become re-valued again whether economically or aesthetically or both. This essay will look at the ways in which rubbish is valued in a consumer society by outlining consumption and the increase in rubbish, Bauman’s theory of the seduced and the repressed; Environmental & Economic value and Thompson’s Rubbish Theory. Rubbish per household has increased over the years. Between 1957- 2006, household rubbish had risen by 28%. (Brown, 2009, p.107) This could be attributed to a rise in affluence and the availability of credit, which enables more people to participate in consumer society. Disposable income increases the likelihood of people spending on luxury goods rather than just the essentials. Other possible factors are the increase in mass consumption during that period; shops offer lower prices and more choice. People also eat more; use more services; and buy more clothes and white goods. 9% of total expenditure was spent on services in 1957, compared to 25% in 2006 (which includes personal goods; household and leisure services) (Brown, 2009, p.110) and data collected by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) (Hetherington, 2009, p.23) shows that the average household spends more on recreation and culture (luxuries) than non-alcohol and food (essentials). Although the data cannot take every circumstance into account, it does suggest that as people became more affluent over the years, the amount of money spent on luxuries increased and with affluence and choice people tend to dispose of items more readily then they would have 50 years ago. Consumers can feel pressured to keep up with the latest trends. The constant changes in fashion and technology encourage people to upgrade their goods before the lifespan of the existing item has expired. It gives them a sense of worth in society, as it helps them to fit into a certain lifestyle. The data supports Bauman’s theory (Hetherington, 2009, p.26) that being a part of consumer society helps people to establish identity and self expression. It also reflects a lifestyle that others might aspire to. He calls these people the seduced, as they have the means and the desire to consume effectively and are therefore valued in society. In contrast, the repressed, who may not be able to consume as effectively due to a lack of income, age or disability for example; can feel excluded from the consumer society. However, these categories are interchangeable and people can move between the two categories. The result of consumption is waste, and increased consumption equals an increase in rubbish. It could be argued that the seduced, being the more active consumers, are more likely to create the most rubbish, due to their greater consumer habits. Regardless of this, eventually all of the items, food and appliances that we consume end up as rubbish and it needs to be dealt with. Despite rubbish generally being viewed as negative, some people view it positively. There are people whose business is rubbish and therefore, it is of value to them economically, such as, restoration and re-sale or a large company profiting from its disposal. Rubbish collecting can also be a resourceful hobby. A discarded item from a skip or the dump can be salvaged or restored and made into an item of value again, whether it’s use value, aesthetic value or both. Environmentalists also value rubbish by pursuing a ‘greener’ lifestyle. Recently, the Government has put more emphasis on environmental issues and it has made people more aware of the impact they are having on the planet. Although reducing consumption would be the obvious answer; in the meantime, reuse & recycling schemes and fortnightly rubbish collections have encouraged people to consider the value of rubbish and the environment. The UK is still a poor performer when compared with other European countries and although there is still a long way to go, recycling has increased. Information provided by Defra, 2007 (Brown, 2009, p.117) shows that the percentage of total rubbish recycled has steadily increased. In 1983/4 the rate of rubbish recycled was 1% compared to 31% in 2006/7. Although the total amount of rubbish also increased during earlier years, as of 2003/4, the amount of rubbish began to decrease as the rate of recycling increased. Due to the increase in environmental awareness, rubbish has become valued by people who want to contribute to a greener, more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Being environmentally friendly has also become about identity and image, and it has become a positive social attribute. However, it is not just environmental issues that give rubbish value. The downturn in the economy has prompted people to re-use and re-sell their unwanted items instead of throwing them away. Mobile phones can be recycled for money and various unwanted items can be sold on with the aid of local newspapers and internet auction sites. While one person is disposing of their rubbish for profit, someone else is gaining something that they value. In Thompson’s ‘Rubbish Theory’ (Brown, 2009, p.122) he explains how some items considered as rubbish can evolve and gain value again. He suggests that some items can move from the transient category (items produced for use) via rubbish (items that become of little or zero value) into the durable category (where value increases over time) and be valued again. When an object moves from transient to durable its value first drops before it begins to rise again. Thompson’s example of this would be Stevengraphs (Brown, 2009, p.124). Thomas Stevens made a profitable business by selling his silkworks in the 1800’s, but by the mid twentieth century, they had become almost valueless. Over time the items became collector’s pieces and their value began to rise. This example shows that value is not fixed; an item can lose or gain value over time. Thompson suggests that one of the reasons for this rise and fall is because of supply and demand (Brown, 2009, p.126). From a collectors perspective, buying a Stevengraph when the supply was plentiful compared to the demand, meant that it could be purchased relatively cheaply. As the supply diminished over the years, the remaining pieces became rare and therefore more valuable to the collectors. When the demand outweighs the supply, it results in an increase in price and value. To conclude, it can be said that rubbish has value in a consumer society. Although generally viewed negatively, it does have value to a number of different people. Rubbish is valuable to people who work in the waste industry and gain profit or wages from it. Environmentalists’ value rubbish as it helps them to contribute to an environmentally friendly lifestyle by reusing and recycling. And people suffering in the economic downturn have found a new way to value rubbish, by selling it on and buying items second hand in order to save money, which consequently, saves on waste. Finally, Thompson suggests that rubbish can be re-valued as items move from the transient category via rubbish, into the durable category where its value rises again.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Search and Find the Lines From Poems Online

How to Search and Find the Lines From Poems Online Whether a lover of poetry cant get a specific line out of their head or simply can’t remember the whole poem theyre thinking of, finding the text of a poem can be easy and quick. Sometimes, finding the right line or words is especially important, like when preparing for sentimental or milestone events, like a memorial service or wedding. Dont know where to start to find your favorite poems? 10 Steps to Find the Words From Poems Online In less than 20 minutes, poetry seekers can likely locate the text of any poem they are thinking of. Gather information. First, it is important for seekers to gather everything specific they know about the poem by either taking a mental note or writing it on paper. This information may include bits and pieces, like the poet’s name, exact title (or words they are sure are in the title), phrases or entire lines from the poem, and unique or unusual words contained in the poem.Find a reputable website. Chances are, just putting the line fragment that you remember into a search engine will come up with several possibilities, but if you want to be able to identify the right words, you should seek a reputable source. The Poetry Foundation is a good place to start; if you know the poets name look for websites that are dedicated to them.Use the websites search bar. If the site you found that contains the poet’s works has a search function, poetry seekers can try using it to find the title, title words, phrase or line they remember by simply typing in this information.Visit the website. When the search bar fails, poetry seekers may go to the site’s page, which is most likely to contain what they remember about the poem. For example, if you only remember phrases or lines from the body of the poem, visiting the table of contents might be of great assistance. Activate the browser search function. If you find a page with poems on it, Use â€Å"Control-F† to activate the browser’s search function. Typing in the exact word or phrase will allow seekers to see if the poem is contained on that page. Repeat this step on other likely pages for best results.Go to a text archive. When youve forgotten the name of the poet, but remember that the poem is a classic, a text archive can help. Specifically, seekers can  go to major poetry text archives, which have internal search capabilities. Searches like â€Å"Classic Poetry Text Archives† will bring this up quickly. It is important for seekers to  follow search instructions in this step, as  each archive site will have specific steps to take when using the search bar.Google it. If all else fails, poetry seekers can choose a search engine that will allow them to search for web pages containing an entire phrase in order. Search engines like  Google, Yahoo, and Bing! can be o f assistance. This is a particularly good option when poetry seekers have  no idea who the poet  is but are sure of the title or a specific phrase. Even just a few unique words from the poem can help: and if you find it on a site you dont trust, you may find more to inform your search, like the name of the poet. Put phrases in quotation marks. In the search box, seekers can type the specifics they remember by enclosing whole phrases in quotation marks. For instance, â€Å"fog comes† â€Å"cat feet† will locate Carl Sandburg’s poem containing the line, â€Å"The fog comes / on little cat feet.†Modify the search. Depending on the results, varying the search could be helpful. This may include adding specific words or phrases when the search generates too many pages and eliminating the words or phrases that do not result in enough pages.Reach out to fans. Ask well-read poets and poetry fans from various communities and forums about the poem. For example, seekers can post a description of the poem they are looking for. Even if specific lines are forgotten, the experts may be able to help find it. Tips for Online Poetry Searches If search engine results include  topical pages about keywords, for instance, cats or weather  in the case of the Sandburg poem above but no poems, seekers can try adding words like  Ã¢â‚¬Å"poem† or â€Å"poetry† to search words. When seekers have searched for the whole line in quotes and get nothing back, they may have misremembered the line. For instance, â€Å"fog comes in on little cat’s feet† locates two pages in which Sandburg’s poem is misquoted, but not the poem itself. Seekers can try different forms of the words they remember when they are uncertain. For instance, â€Å"cat feet† â€Å"cat’s feet† â€Å"cats’ feet† can be tried in successive searches.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Visas J-1 para prcticas profesionales en USA

Visas J-1 para prcticas profesionales en USA Si ests estudiando una carrera universitaria fuera de Estados Unidos o  finalizaste hace menos de un aà ±o puedes sacar una visa J-1 para prcticas profesionales.   Categorà ­as para las que es posible aplicar para una visa J-1 para prcticas profesionales No se puede realizar una pasantà ­a en cualquier tipo de especializacià ³n. Tus estudios tienen que estar comprendidos en uno de los siguientes campos: Administracià ³n Pà ºblicaAgricultura, Pesca y ForestalArquitecturaArte y CulturaBibliotecasCienciasCiencias SocialesComercioComunicaciones y PeriodismoConstruccià ³nDerechoEducacià ³nFinanzasIndustriaIngenierà ­aMatemticasNegocios Salud y todos los campos relacionados con la misma. En el caso de medicina se puede, adems, utilizar una visa de intercambio para hacer la especializacià ³n en USA.Servicios Sociales Encontrar patrocinador Antes de aplicar por la visa en un consulado americano, hay que encontrar un patrocinador. Es decir, una empresa en la que se van a realizar las prcticas. No todas las empresas estn autorizadas para patrocinar a extranjeros para realizar prcticas profesionales. Sino que sà ³lo unas pocas. Y estn incluidas expresamente en un listado que publica anualmente el Departamento de Estados (puedes ver el enlace en el à ºltimo prrafo de este artà ­culo). Vers que el listado incluye multitud de organizaciones. Tienes que ir analizando una por una cul patrocina especà ­ficamente pasantà ­as, ya que en la lista tambià ©n estn las que ofrecen otros patrocinios tambià ©n amparados por la visa J-1 pero que son vlidas para otros perfiles, como mà ©dicos, estudiantes en prcticas de verano o au-pairs. Lo ms prctico es que donde pone Program en letra negrita presiones la flecha y busques entre todo el menà º la opcià ³n intern.  Ã‚  Una vez que encuentres varias que se ajusten a lo que buscas, debes aplicar. Ellas decidirn si te patrocinan y si lo hacen te enviarn un documento DS-2019 e incluirn informacià ³n sobre ti en el sistema conocido como SEVIS. Solicitar la visa de intercambio J-1 Sà ³lo una vez que tienes en tus manos el DS-2019 puedes solicitar el visado en el consulado o embajada que te corresponda, segà ºn tu lugar de residencia. Esta es una visa no inmigrante. Tienes que tener claro que para que te la aprueben no basta con haber encontrado el patrocinador. Adems, el oficial consular que tramite tu caso tiene que quedar convencido de que no tienes intencià ³n de quedarte en Estados Unidos, de que tienes lazos econà ³micos y familiares fuertes en tu paà ­s de origen. Adems, como ocurre con el resto de los visados no inmigrante, no puede haber nada que te convierta en inelegible o inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Como por ejemplo, haber cometido ciertos delitos, haber estado ilegalmente en el paà ­s con anterioridad o no tener recursos suficientes. A tener en cuenta Si has finalizado ya tus estudios universitarios no puede transcurrir ms de doce meses desde el momento en que los acabaste y el de comienzo el programa de prcticas profesionales. Una vez que se finaliza la visa, ests obligado a salir de Estados Unidos por un periodo de dos aà ±os en la mayorà ­a de los casos. Esto no quiere decir que no puedas visitar el paà ­s como turista, que sà ­ que puedes. Pero no puedes beneficiarte de visas de trabajo o de peticiones para la residencia permanente realizadas por un familiar. Es cierto que existen excepciones conocidas como waiver, pero son eso: excepciones. Obviamente, el nivel de inglà ©s es muy importante. Hablarlo y escribirlo fluidamente y poder demostrar los conocimientos con exmenes tipo TOEFL sin duda ayuda a conseguir las prcticas profesionales. Si el programa finaliza en el plazo previsto, tienes 30 dà ­as para salir de Estados Unidos.   Informacià ³n fundamental Enlace para encontrar un patrocinador de la visa J-1  para el programa de prcticas profesionales en la pgina oficial del Departamento de Estado. Pueden solicitarte una acreditacià ³n de tus creedenciales acadà ©micos que tiene que ser realizado por una institucià ³n aprobada por el patrocinador de la visa. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Gender differences and oral health behavior Research Paper

Gender differences and oral health behavior - Research Paper Example With increasing research indicating that one’s periodontal health may be related to overall health, never has it been more important to ensure the health of your teeth and gums. You cannot be healthy unless you are periodontally healthy† (Clem cited in, 2012). However, there is sufficient research to demonstrate a difference in the behaviors and attitudes of men and women towards dental hygiene and care, with the former generally considered to be not quite as particular about maintaining dental hygiene and care as the latter. A vast majority of the research works conducted so far have found a greater tendency in the girls to take care of their dental hygiene and adopt positive attitudes and behaviors towards dental care as compared to boys while studies many studies conducted upon older men and women have found similar trends of dental care and behaviors and attitudes towards it. This suggests that age might be an important depicter of the behavior and attitude an individual adopts for the dental hygiene and care. This imparts the need to study the correlation between age, gender, and attitudes and behaviors towards dental hygiene and care. Identification of gender differences and oral health behavior of adults is fundamental to the development of ways in which both men and women can be convinced to change their behaviors towards the dental hygiene for the better. This research will provide a more holistic view of the attitudes and behaviors of females and males towards the dental hygiene and care as the research will be conducted upon adult men and women. Results of this research will contribute towards the knowledge of effect of both age and gender upon an individual’s tendency to adopt positive attitude and behavior towards the dental hygiene and care. Fukai, Takaesu, and Maki (1999) studied the link between general health habits and oral health behavior in both men and women and found a direct

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Do rich countries have a moral duty to end global poverty Essay

Do rich countries have a moral duty to end global poverty - Essay Example Many a times, these benefits are gained by compromising upon the social and economic condition of a poorer country. An in-depth analysis of numerous aspects of the world economy reveals the fact that the consumption patterns of rich countries often offend the bounds of justice, thus making use of the labor, natural resources, land, and even political security of poorer countries to establish such a system of exchange wherein the rich countries keep getting considerable underserved and unearned benefits compared to the poor countries. For example, before 1964, oil companies based in the US purchased the Arabian crude oil for almost $2 a barrel which was sold at a price that gave the US two main subsidies (Corbett, 1993). First, oil companies along with their stockholders gained huge advantages consuming the only significant natural resource that the then powerless and traditionally poor countries had. Secondly, consumers in the US were subsidized to oil prices that were exceptionally cheap for their inefficient cars and other domestic and industrial needs. This happened as a direct subsidy of the poor countries. Today, the price of oil at the wellhead has risen 12 times and reflects more in the money consumers spend on energy than in the profits of the stockholders. Still, purchasing Arabian crude oil is deemed to be cheaper for the US than using her own oil. The subsidy continues in spite of being greatly reduced. The principle of ruling by power and lack of justice not only prevails across countries but is also observed in many areas within the same country. For example, the international corporations based in the US and a very tiny native elite owns major part of the land in Latin America that is used for the production of luxury crops while the indigenous inhabitants of this land have very limited access to the arable land and cannot freely grow crops for their own consumption. These poor inhabitants provide hunger as the subsidy for the luxury of the rich A mericans. It is frequently argued that rich countries have a moral obligation rooted in justice to the poor countries since their patterns of consumption offend the poor countries’ freedom rights. However, the establishment of justice requires stable expectations in reciprocity which although has some basis in the domestic sphere, yet there is no basis for it in the international sphere. This thesis is defended by a discussion of the aspects of justice that can be distinguished as reciprocity for the distribution of wealth across countries, followed by a criticism of the cosmopolitan view on the subject, and the possible implications of transfer of wealth and resources from the rich to the poor countries that make such a deal impracticable in the real world. When there is no institutional framework, a single act of benevolence even if becomes effective in helping the rich country attain its desired objective of helping out the poor country in some way, does not require a prac tice underlying it. In other words, when a rich country wants to do a good turn to a poor country, it may be achievable without any problem. But if the idea behind doing the good turn is that it deserves another in return, the rich countries have a reason to only do a good turn if they can make the poor countries believe that they also share this principle and will do their bit when the time comes. However, this proposition’s second part is unfounded as being true all across

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

IAS 36 and the Framework for the preperation and presentation of Essay

IAS 36 and the Framework for the preperation and presentation of financial statements - Essay Example The carrying amount can be defined as the amount at which an asset is recognized in the balance sheet less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. The recovery amount can be defined as the higher of an assets fair value less costs to sell (usually called net sales) and its value in use (homepage)2. The International Accounting Standards Board has prescribed the identification and conditions for assets to be impaired. Every reporting date at the end of an accounting period every organisation applying the rules of the IFRS should test if any asset is impaired. If any such asset shows that it is impaired then the organisation shall estimate the recovery amount of such asset. Other conditions attach to this test includes the test of for ``an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life or an intangible asset not yet available for use for impairment annually by comparing its carrying amount with its recoverable amount. This impairment test may be performed at any ti me during an annual period, provided it is performed at the same time every year. Different intangible assets may be tested for impairment at different times. However, if such an intangible asset was initially recognized during the current annual period, that intangible asset shall be tested for impairment before the end of the current annual period, test goodwill acquired in a business combination for impairment annually in accordance with paragraphs 80-99 ´Ã‚ ´3 (though the guidance on how to measure goodwill impairment should be included in Section 27, rather than referring to paragraphs 80-99 of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets)4. The IASB also add to the above rule that if an asset may be impaired by its recoverable amount should be estimated for the individual asset otherwise an organisation should determine the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to the group where the asset belongs (the asset’s cash-generating unit)5. The measurement of the asset’s recovery amount

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Impact of Rapid Application Development (RAD) Impact of Rapid Application Development ABSTRACT This report is submitted in context to a study that was performed to analyze the Impact of Rapid Application Development (RAD) on the software industry using the context of the NASA weather forecasting system. The NASA existing weather forecasting system was studied for a new feature of exposing the NASA weather data to the other countries of the world using Rapid Application Development Platform. NASA is a world renowned organization that deals in space research and forecasting systems. NASA has an internal software system that collects weather data from the various NASA satellites and produce variety of forecasting reports for the next 24 hours that includes temperature, pressure, humidity , wind speed as the major reports. The other countries of the world has requested NASA to give them an API (Application programming Interface ) or a port from which they can import the weather data of NASA into XML format into their local servers after which they can use the it for their countries weather forecasting. The various system development methodologies including the popular Software Development Lifecycle method, Iterative method and Rapid Application Development methods were analyzed to choose the best methodology according to NASA requirements. During the course of the study it was observed that Rapid Application Development methodology works best when you have times and budgetary limitations as well as when you are assigned a limited but elite programming resources. The only thing that need to be maintained is that all the team members work together and there is We attached to the product/project development rather than I , because I word in these sort of small team can become a big danger of losing one or two good team members altogether. The report also includes the principles, realities and myth of the Rapid Application development Paradigms. It was observed that the timelines and the project deadlines can be achieved sooner in an efficient way by using Rapid Application development methodology and RAD project executed and implement at least the twice the speed and half the time taken by the regular Software development Life cycle. It was concluded from the study that Rapid Application Development will form the future backbone of software industry because of its effectiveness, less development and implementation time and more flexibility. Keywords:- Following is the list of important keywords and their definition which might be used through this report:- RAD :- Rapid application development SSADM :-Structured System Analysis and Design Method DSDM:- Dynamic System Development Method Waterfall Model Time Boxing Iterative Model UML :- Universal markup language OOP:- Object Oriented Paradigm/Programming UCD:- Use Case Diagram OOM:- Object Oriented Modeling GUI:- Graphical user Interface IDE:- Integrated development environment API:- Application Programming Interface NASA:-North Atlantic Space Association DLL:-Dynamic Linking Libraries. XML :- Extensible Markup Language Class Diagrams Sequential Diagrams Inroduction NASA or North Atlantic Space Association is a United States Government owned Space Research and Development Company. NASA has its own internal Weather forecasting department and specialized custom build weather forecasting software that connects to the US satellites receive various weather inputs from them and then calculates and forecasts the next 24 hour weather report that includes Temperature, Pressure, Humidity and Wind Speeds. During a recent United Nations Conference US government has accepted the proposal of other countries of the world to provide them weather forecasting data from NASA weather forecasting servers. Following are the project requirements that NASA has to fulfill:- The project development, testing and final implementation should not take more than 3 months. The project will only have the budget for 5 software developers. The project has to contain bare minimum only required important documentation and should not contain detail system specifications The first prototype for the other countries technical experts review has to be release withing15 days of project initialization. The rest of the project phases will work in iterative manner and based on client feedback. The feasibility study on various software development methodologies include software development Life Cycle (SDLC) and RAD was done , keeping in vision the product development cost and the stricter timelines and it was accepted to use Rapid Application Development or RAS as the software development methodology for the current system. LITERATURE REVIEW IMPACT OF RAD ON SOFTWARE INDUSTRY Before starting our discussion on RAD, let us take a closer look of what Agile Methodology is and a brief overview of its history and manifesto What is Agile Software Development? Agility is more attitude than process, more environment than methodology (Jigh Highsmith , April 6,2004 , Agile Project Management : Creating Innovative Projects ) Agile Software Development is a set of software development Methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self organizing cross function team. According to (HighSmith, 2002) Agility is the ability to both create and respond to change in order to profit in a turbulent business environment. Agility is the ability to balance flexibility and stability. Agile Modeling is based on a collection of principles, derived from the principles of Agile Alliance, such as importance of assuming simplicity when you are modeling and embracing change when you are working, because requirements do change in future (Scott Ambler , 2002 , Agile Modeling: Effective practices for extreme programming and the unified process, Wiley) History and Manifesto of Agile software development The definition of the agile software development methodology started evolving in mid 1990s as a part of strong opposition against the already existing standard, micro managed use of Waterfall Model for development. There were heavy cost and time schedules escalations in Waterfall Model because of the freezing of design phase first and then starting up with the development and implementation phases. The time when product use to get ready to be deployed at the client side, it is already obsolete for use, because most of the time client requirements change during the product development phase. In 2001, some most important prominent figures in the field of Agile development came together in Utah to discuss the ways of creating software in a lighter, faster and more people centric way. It was then only the Agile software development and Agile methodology term gets coined. In the same meet, they create Agile manifesto that includes the canonical definition of the Agile Development and accompanying agile principles. ( ) Values and Principles of Agile Methodology:- As per the 2001 Agile Manifesto, following are stated as the values of the Agile methodologies:- Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools used. Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer Collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Some of the principles envisioned behind Agile Manifesto are:- Customer satisfaction by rapid and continuous delivery of software system Working software is the principle measure of progress Even late changes in requirements are welcomed Close , Daily Cooperation between business people and developers Communication Simplicity Feedback Courage Humility

Friday, October 25, 2019

Phosphorous Nutrient Deficiency :: essays research papers fc

Phosphorous Nutrient Deficiency of Sunflowers, Helianthus annuus Abstract: The objective of this experiment was to determine whether or not a complete nutrient solution would have increased stem width, height, and leaf length compared to 25% phosphorous. My hypothesis was that sunflowers with a complete solution of nutrients would have the same growth compared to sunflowers with 25% phosphorous deficiency. The experiment was conducted by setting up two groups of sunflower seeds, control and treatment. Each group contained five seeds. The nutrients were added when the seeds had germinated. The controls were treated with a complete nutrient solution, whereas the treatment was treated with 25% phosphorous deficiency. Both groups were watered regularly with the nutrient solutions until harvest time. The measurements of both groups were taken periodically. During harvest time, the healthiest plant in each pot was measured for stem width (mm), height (cm), and leaf length (mm). The results indicated that there was no significant change in the controls a nd treatments because the p-values of all three types of measurements were greater than 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted. Despite the insignificant results, observations and measurements of growth in both groups of sunflowers in terms of stem widths, lengths, and leaf lengths suggested that the presence or absence of phosphorous did influence the plant growths. Introduction: The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of nutrient deficiency in sunflower, H. annuus. My null hypothesis was that sunflower plants that were treated with a complete nutrient solution would be the same as plants that were 25% deficient in phosphorous. My alternate hypothesis was that sunflower plants with a complete nutrient treatment would have increased growth compared to plants with phosphorous deficiency with respect to stem height, width, and leaf length. Phosphorous is an essential nutrient for root formation, flowering, fruiting and ripening (Gayle et al. 2001). Ten elements that are required for normal growth in plants are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and iron. The absence of any one of these elements causes plants to display characteristic abnormalities of growth known as deficiency symptoms. Often such plants do not reproduce normally (Raven et al. 1999). One reason why phosphorou s is essential in plants is because it is responsible for the general health and vigor of all plants. Some specific growth factors that have been associated with phosphorus are: stimulated root development, increased stalk and stem strength, improved flower formation and seed production, more uniform and earlier crop maturity, increased nitrogen N-fixing capacity of legumes, improvements in crop quality, and increased resistance to plant diseases (Webb 2002).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Moment That Changed My Life Essay

This is my creative essay for the Film Program at NYU. The prompt was: â€Å"Introduce yourself. Describe an unforgettable event in your life and how it changed your perception of yourself or the view of someone close to you. This event can be dramatic and/or comedic. The assignment may be written as a short story in the first person or as an essay. † My one fear is that my essay is hard to understand. So any feedback on how it reads to other people would be a huge help. And also any gramatical errors or anything like that that you find would be a help as well. I’m probably mailing this out today so please, any advice would be much appriciated. Thanks. How did I get here? How did this happen. I sat staring through the open car door as it dangled there in front of my eyes. How had I not seen it before; how had it never caught my eye? It hit me so fast, like a wave that unexpectedly overtakes you as you walk along the beach. â€Å"It’s really happening,† I thought to myself. I am no longer a child. I am terrified. And it’s not fear that troubles me, it’s realization. It’s the realization that my life will simply just keeps moving along and I have no say in the matter. It’s the realization that I no longer have what seems like all the time in the world to figure out what I want to do with that life; what I want to be, what I want to leave behind after I’m gone. It’s finally time for me to stop thinking but rather go out and do the things I’ve dreamed of; the things I’ve only wondered at, baffled at, as I lay alone in my bed at night. It had never felt real until now. I stared at it as it hung there, as it hung unaware of the meaning it gave to me at this moment. Those few seconds stretched for hours, stretched to encompass the span of a lifetime in the flash of a blinking eye. And that’s what it all now felt like; a blink, a moment, a flash. Is that what it will feel like at the end? A flash? When I was a little girl, my father took me to the fair. He bought me a wristband so that I could go on all of the rides without having to fumble with tickets. He told me, â€Å"Darling, you can do anything you want here, just say the word. † To a young child, hearing those words was like being given the keys to the world; being given complete freedom. To me, freedom was a precious thing. I craved it; desired it above all else. But you see, in my eyes, freedom was simply having whatever you want, when you want, and not having to do anything you don’t want to get it. In my eyes, freedom was a perfect world, but only for me. Of course over time I was persuaded from these views by opening my eyes to the hard work and responsibility involved in having â€Å"freedom. † As I grew older I earned more privileges. I worked to make my own money, began driving, found myself a wonderful boy, and even began preparing for college; dreaming of going out on my own and making a name for myself in this wide world. And for a while the illusion was indeed convincing. I allowed myself to believe that over time I would gain more control in my life and that that control would one day become absolute. But it was still just an illusion, a dream; an idea of a perfect world, my perfect world. Eventually I would realize that the one thing which I thought could bring me my absolute freedom is the one thing that will forever hold it back. Time. Time is the one thing which binds everyone. Even the most wealthy, most powerful people in the world will die someday. Do you think they chose that for themselves? Do you think they wouldn’t change it if they could? You could have the whole world in the palm of your hand, but the reality remains; everyone is born, everyone grows older, and everyone will eventually die. Our time is limited. That can’t be changed, just accepted. So staring, I sat as it hung limply outside the open car door. How had I never seen it before? How had it never caught my eye? How had it all happened so fast? The lines, those small cracks, they hung loosely together over the weakened bone below. I sat staring, staring at my father’s aged hand that hung at his side as he stood outside the car conversing with someone who, at the moment, held no importance to me. Never before had I noticed those lines, those cracks, those wrinkles which spread out like ripples on the surface of a pond. Never before had I noticed how thin the skin appeared, how stretched, or even how loosely the veins spread underneath. For the first time I was looking at my father; a man in his fifties, hardened by years of ceaseless working. For the first time in a long time, I was seeing what was actually there and not just what my eyes were telling me to see based off of what they had previously known. For the first time, I realized I was growing up. For the first time, I felt the hold that time has on me. For the first time, I thought â€Å"I am almost eighteen years old. What have I done with that time? † What had I done? I hated the thought. I dreaded the question. That question to which my answer would speak of nothing of importance. At this time, what troubled me most was not the fact that I – and everyone around me – were getting older. At this time, what troubled me most was the fact that- in all that time of growth- the things which I had done served no greater purpose than to merely entertain; to entertain myself or the requests of others, teachers, my parents. I thought, â€Å"Has all this time been wasted? † Time goes by so fast; faster than even I can sometimes realize. The funny thing is, the older I get, as the years I have left steadily decrease, I can’t help feeling time’s steady increase. And this only leads me to further wonder; if these eighteen years have gone by so rapidly, as if they were nothing, will it not feel as though tomorrow I will find myself an old woman? Is it so unlikely? Is it so unlikely that, if the lifestyle I have I keep, I will wake up on that day and again have to question if the time I had been given had been squandered away in futile activity? A sad day it would be to lay in remembrance of your life and realize that the days you have spent held no purpose or meaning beyond to merely serve yourself and your own selfish comforts. A sad day it would be to realize that you have lived your life well and comfortably, yes, but never with purpose. And it was then, for a moment, that I was torn from my thoughts as my father at last settled back into the car and began to drive us home. I looked over at the man who had given me everything; my life, my childhood, and now this much needed revelation. Unbeknown to him, in an instant, he had changed my views of this world and of the life I was leading. In an instant, he had given me what was needed for me to stop waiting around, stop simply thinking of how my life will be, and start living, actually living. In that moment, in that rough weathered hand, I saw my future. I saw the effects that time would one day have on me. I saw the old age that would one day overtake me. I saw myself upon that final hour, laying, awaiting that final breath. But what I did not see was how I would greet that end. Would it be with peaceful acceptance or mournful detest? The real question is; when that final hour comes, when I take that final breathe, will the death that takes me be taking a soul that has truly lived? Will I have truly lived? I sit, looking at my father’s hand as he steers us home. I sit, not hoping for, but planning the things I am going to do, the things which I will do, today and tomorrow and all the days after. The things which will, in purpose, serve greater causes than to just simply allow me to go on drifting along in my life. For from now on I will do nothing but dream and create. I will do nothing but share with others my thoughts, my words, my ideas. I will do nothing but strive with all I have to make a difference in, if even in the smallest way, the life of another, the ways of a people, the turning of the world. From now on I will nothing but truly just live.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jimmy Carter and Political Maxim Essay

Hardball by Chris Matthews is an interpretation of what many know as â€Å"hard-politics†. The book describes the skill of playing the game in Washington and how to be successful at it. The book is a guide that teaches a series of maxims that would be in favor of politicians to learn in order to be successful. The different tactics provided in the book hold a lot of knowledge that would make the life of anyone following these strategies much easier when trying to get ahead in life. Matthews describes a countless number of examples of successful politicians that rose to the top. Those politicians are the ones who learned how to play hardball in Washington. Matthews provides many of his observations over the years and describes them with quotes from various sources. Quoted by Chris Matthews, he states â€Å"JFK would call 5 or 6 †¦ LBJ would take 19 names and call them all. † The quote lies deep in the heart of the political maxim retail politics. Retail politics is the management of one-to-one communication among voters or other politicians. Lyndon B. Johnson was a mastermind of retail politics and embraced every moment of it. Johnson’s success came from his unique instinct to work at a man’s ego. While JFK was more of a wholesaler, Johnson worked retail politics like it was candy. That is exactly what the quote is symbolizing, the difference between a wholesaler and a retail politician. JFK was more widespread and focused more on voters than other politicians. Johnson had the patience and humility to work with every legislator one at a time and get that connection that he needed. This type of networking is what made LBJ successful in politics and it’s what made him stand out from an average politician. Another quote provided in the book Hardball was in Chapter 3. It stated, â€Å"He’s not going to win. It’s a Republican district. He’d be better for us is he loses. He’ll work for me. He’ll bring his organization with him. † This was a strategy that President Jimmy Carter used to benefit his campaign. Jimmy Carter played smart politics in this quote that is connected to the â€Å"it’s better to receive than to give maxim. † The maxim means to let others give to you because it makes them feel involved. Carter played this strategy to a tee. Carter knew that his best line of defense would come from those who had lost their elections and were looking for a job. The quote symbolizes the tactic Carter used and how his intelligence allowed him to take advantage of the situation. He knew that those individuals faced a tough race and when they lost, they would become his support because people like to be used and not ignored. Another quotes that is related to the â€Å"it’s better to give then to receive,† maxim is a quote I found to be very witty. The quotes states, â€Å"I’ve lived across the street from you for 18 years †¦ I shoveled your walk in winter. I cut your grass in summer†¦ I didn’t think I had to ask you for your vote. He never forgot her response. ‘Tom, I want you to know something: people like to be asked. † The lady knew Tip O’Neil and all he had done for her over the years, but out of respect she found that all he needed to do was ask. She wanted to make sure she was considered and thought about, so she wouldn’t be taken for granted. The main point from this quote is that people don’t mind being used, but they do mind being taken for granted. It’s important to know that asking favors only brings in more supporters. People want to invest in others and are often not critical of that person because they also have a lot invested in them. An important maxim that a politician can learn is â€Å"don’t get mad, don’t get even; get ahead. † The following quotes states, â€Å"Cry Baby†, screamed the headline of the New York Daily News above a picture of Newt in diapers. â€Å"Newt’s Tantrum: He closed down the government because Clinton made him sit at the back of the plane. I find this quote to be the funniest of the rest of the quotes. It clearly demonstrates the fallout of trying to get even with someone. It doesn’t work so ignore the revenge part and surpass your expectations. The political maxim â€Å"don’t get mad, don’t get even; get ahead,† means to maintain calm and concentrate all your power on progressing and becoming a success. Newt Gingrich didn’t apply the political maxim to his career which resulted in the quote above. His ego allowed a government shutdown to occur and the pressed slammed him in all newspapers. Gingrich forgot to concentrate on moving past the government shutdown, but instead played a game and lost the political game. My favorite political maxim in the book is â€Å"Leave no shot unanswered. † The following quote corresponds with the political maxim as it states, â€Å"The purpose of the war room was not just to respond to Republican attacks †¦ It was to respond to them fast, even before they were broadcasted or published, when the lead of the story was still rolling around in the reporter’s mind†¦ † Bill Clinton knew of that certain political maxim and he knew it well. Attacks to a candidate are harmful if left alone. They stick to you and become a reality if they are not disputed. Aided by George Stephanopoulos, Bill Clinton was alerted of the lethal combination of an unanswered shot. It was an important strategy because if a shot is unanswered, people start to believe that it is true which can sometimes ruin an entire campaign. The quote also makes you realize the necessity of responding to an attack. Clinton had to create an entire new room named, â€Å"the War Room† in order to fire back. That shows how much of an importance it is to leave no shot unanswered.